Sunday, 22 July 2007

Allotmenticity - Sunday 22nd July

Well I'm finally back on Plot 87. I've just spent a fantastic week sailing in the Solent with 2 very good friends, Skipper David and The Polish Princess, aboard the yacht Bonamy. We set off from Port Solent and went to Lymington, Poole, Studland Bay (where we caught 9 Mackerel and ate them from the Barbie within 2 hours, now that's fresh and they tasted unbelievable!). We then sailed to Yarmouth on the Isle of Wight in a force 7 (Yes I did say SEVEN) gale. Well that WAS an experience! I'm not sure if the word "exhilarating" sums it up correctly or just Scared Out My Bloody Wits is better. Still we arrived safely. The next day was brilliant with hardly any wind and I actually took the helm and we sailed to Priory Bay which can be seen in the top photo at sunset. The final day we went back to Port Solent and saw a dolphin just off Portsmouth.
The weather was great all week, so image my surprise when I was caught up in an hour and a half of standing traffic on the way back because the M40 was flooded. It was as if the world was coming to an end when I finally got back to Birmingham. Torrential non-stop rain.
Fearing the worst I visited plot 87, but everything was fine. No flooding and all the seedlings and cabbages doing really well. The only thing is the Coriander is in full flower (2nd picture).
I must admit I'm puzzled as to why the Greyhound cabbages I sowed have included a couple of purple specimens. Lovely colour, but is this normal? More to the point can I eat them?
And specially for Primrozie my friend from the US, I've added a photo of the Nettle Stew. As you can see I've used an old water tank like you find in the roof and used a large green garden bag. (An onion sack would be better) This is then punctured with a knife and suspended in the tank.
I've picked a heap of peas which I've frozen and some of the good Hispi cabbages.
So it's dinner tonight with fresh Spinach as well as Spuds.
Bye for now,
Happy Allotmenteering,
The Captain.

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