Friday, 23 February 2007

Digging for Victory

These are my adventures of taking over an allotment and starting from scratch. As you can see from the photos it's quite overgrown, although the soil underneath is really good.
There are a few hidden gems like Raspberry canes, Gooseberry bushes and Rhubarb crowns but apart from that we're going to get some potatoes in and then gradually turn the rest over as we go on.
There's an Apple tree I think.
We also have a couple of sheds. The one at the top is a bit of a mess, but the bottom one is OK and we'll give it a make-over ready for the Summer BBQ Season!!!
I've already made a start turning over a section at a time, but I found to my cost that buying a cheap spade & fork doesn't pay and had to take the spade back as it's knackered already!
Not mentioning any names but it starts and ends in A and has 4 letters and isnt ABBA!
I noticed that our local 99p Shop has fruit bushes in so may well nip in there for some Blackcurrants.
Just hope the weather improves a bit so I can get some more work done.
Bye for now.
The Captain


vonnie said...

flamming hell!!!!! thats quite an alloment you got there captain!! you going to need more than a shovel for that!! have you thought of asking brian for his tractor....!!!! me thinks you should be farmer tongo,or shed head now!!spuds rule ok....

frogprincess200 said...

Hi Captain, great to find another first timer allotment owner. Been digging since I signed for mine and still no end in sight - isn't weed control sheet great though? Apart from blowing away and finding slimey things underneath it! Wonder if frogs are a valid allotment crop?