Well the weather people almost got it right. I decided to risk a visit this morning and got in a good couple of hours before the rain came. It's great to be able to get down here first thing in the fresh air. Definitely good for shaking off the effects of last night's curry!Winston & I managed to make a serious dent in the spud patch and one more good session should see it ready for the first couple of rows. I've already started the "chitting" and have Arran Pilot for earlies, and Maris Piper, King Edward for maincrop and I've just ordered a bag of Kerr Pinks so Mr C's happy!When I first started there were a few rhubarb crowns showing, so I found a few old buckets lying about and covered them over. As you can see in the picture there's some activity already. Not quite "Rhubarb Triangle" standard yet , but it's a start.I'd love to know if the tree is an apple. Does anybody out there know from the picture?That's all for now folks!The Captain.
Welcome to Saturday's missive. First, Good News, Man Utd are now 9 points clear after beating Fulham 2-1!
Well the weather has managed to stay fine for a few hours so I've got a bit more work done down here.
I took the spade and fork back and got a refund and this time did what I should have done in the first place. Bought a good spade. OK I know it was twice the price BUT it will last ten times longer and is a joy to use. I think I'll call it Winston!
I bought a blackcurrant plant from the 99p Shop and have planted that in the fruit area, and I found a fennel plant in the undergrowth, so I transplanted it into the herb area up the top alongside the sage.
I also found an old tarpaulin round the back of the bottom shed so I've covered the centre section in an attempt to kill off a few weeds before I get to dig there.
I've set a couple of old slabs at the side of the shed ready for the compost bin, and also managed to dig a bit more where the spuds are going to go.
The forecast is not good for tomorrow so I might get on to a few other tasks awaiting my attention.
That's all for now folks.
The Captain.
These are my adventures of taking over an allotment and starting from scratch. As you can see from the photos it's quite overgrown, although the soil underneath is really good.
There are a few hidden gems like Raspberry canes, Gooseberry bushes and Rhubarb crowns but apart from that we're going to get some potatoes in and then gradually turn the rest over as we go on.
There's an Apple tree I think.
We also have a couple of sheds. The one at the top is a bit of a mess, but the bottom one is OK and we'll give it a make-over ready for the Summer BBQ Season!!!
I've already made a start turning over a section at a time, but I found to my cost that buying a cheap spade & fork doesn't pay and had to take the spade back as it's knackered already!
Not mentioning any names but it starts and ends in A and has 4 letters and isnt ABBA!
I noticed that our local 99p Shop has fruit bushes in so may well nip in there for some Blackcurrants.
Just hope the weather improves a bit so I can get some more work done.
Bye for now.
The Captain