Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Allotmenticity - Tuesday 21st August

I decided to transplant some of the Spring Cabbage seedlings now they are big enough. I've been lucky so far with all my other brassicas that there isn't any signs of Club Root, but just to make sure I used the same process as before. I dig out a large hole where I'm going to put the seedling and sprinkle in a good handful of Lime. (By handful I actually use a scoop). Then I fill the hole with the compost from Compost Corner and finally plant the seedling in the centre. In effect it doesn't have any contact with the soil and is surrounded by a Lime barrier. It's worked so far, so why change?
I'm having good results from the copper bracelets. I keep finding slugs with huge slime trails which go up to the ring but then stop. I then scoop them up and add to a bucket of salt. Die you B******s Die!
The fancy "Country Boots" I bought have given up the ghost. Not a good purchase really, so I did a quick "parf" on the web and found the wonderful pair of Wellies at Screwfix for £9.99. I added a flash to the photo for effect. They've even got a re-inforced toe-cap. Hopefully they'll last longer than their predecessors.
Oh and I've found 7 Gladioli flower stems! One minute there was nothing and within 2 days whooosh. I'll photograph the full colour results when they bloom, and send them to Barry Humphreys or should that be Dame Edna?
What's happening with Man U? Come on guys a goal or 2 wouldn't go amiss!
And it's Open-air gig time this weekend with "The Legend that is Alvin Stardust". We're at Trentham Gardens, Stoke on Saturday and then Lincoln Castle on Sunday. Fingers crossed for the weather.
Let's Rock,
The Captain.

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Allotmenticity - Tuesday 14th August

Well after a few hectic days travelling the country I've finally managed to grab a few minutes to catch up with events at No87.
Last week was beautiful weather and so I got a start with the new Compost Corner. I've slimmed it down so I can fit a cold frame in on the end of the shed. The remaining compost will be distributed around the plot as necessary. I did a trial run with the Gazeebo and it fits perfectly in the "Corporate Entertainment Area" at the rear of the shed.
I've converted the Filing Cabinet that looked like the Monolith from 2001 into 4 small salad beds and a large deep cold frame kind of thing. I'm considering trying some Horseradish and maybe Ginger in it. I broadcast sowed some exotic salad leaves and they're already through. Obviously they like the enclosed space. I've got some Spring Cabbage ready to transplant which I'll do when it stops raining.
As I mentioned last time, the Fig tree has exploded into life again and is full of fruit. I read somewhere that the 2nd fruits don't do well, but with the 1st lot just dropping off on their own maybe it might be 2nd time lucky.
Her Cissyness and I played with the Big Band at
Laurance's surprise 60th birthday on Sunday at our favourite restaurant "The Boathouse" in Sutton Park. It was fantastic and a great time was had by all.
A special mention to Rikki "The Polish Princess" my fellow crew member whose birthday it is today. "
Szczęśliwy dzień urodzenia" Mrs P.
And finally to the 3 "Gazeebo Girls" who came down yesterday and had such a great time. I now know what Keith Floyd and Rick Stein went through trying to cook in a gale!!! Still Paella will never be the same again. Cheers Girls!
Happy Allotmenteering,
The Captain.

Monday, 6 August 2007

Allotmenticity - Monday 6th August

What a beautiful weekend down on No87. I've been trying to make the most of the great weather before the gigs start kicking in and my free time gets less.
I've pretty much cleared the old shed away. I think there was enough wood to make 3 sheds, what with all the patching and strengthening that had been done over the years! Whilst clearing some of the rotten wood I came across this Beetle. It's about 1inch or2.5cm in length and not too bothered about running away! Any ideas what he is?
Seeing as a lot of the top growth on the first 2 rows of maincrop spuds has died back I thought I'd check out their state. We've had a lot of people saying they'd got Blight on our site, but judging from the King Edwards I dug from just a tiny spot about a foot square I think they're going to be ok. I passed them on to Mr C the "Spud-Man" for his comments. First impressions seemed favourable!!!
I've got some more Figs on the tree again. The first lot all fell off which I put down to the cold snap we had, so this time I'm hoping they might hang around long enough for a few to ripen.
Does anyone have any experience with Figs?
And I'm pretty chuffed with the Broad Beans I've sown as a catch crop after the Arran Pilots. They've got loads of flowers on, and I'm spraying regularly with the nettle stew. Boy that stuff pongs!!!
I've got some ideas for improving Compost Corner with new panels, the shed needs the roof re-felting, and I'm under pressure to get the Gazeebo up for a soiree some time soon. Trouble is, I'm off down to the Isle of Wight at the weekend with "The Legend that is Alvin Stardust", then back on Sunday for a gig at my favourite restaurant in a marquee.
No pressure there then!
And finally well done to Lewis Hamilton and my team Man Utd for both winning at the weekend.
So until next time,
The Captain.

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Allotmenticity - Wednesday 1st August - Going, Going, Gone

As I said in my previous blog my next task was to demolish the old shed at the top of the plot to make space for a car . Well here's the proof of my endeavours. The only thing left standing is the filing cabinet which hopefully I'll find a home for. I made 2 trips to the tip and it looks like there's at least another 3 or 4 to come. I'm recycling a lot of the old wood to make a new Compost Corner and with a bit of luck if the weather stays fine I should get most of it done. It's a shame we're not allowed bonfires as I could convert most of it to potash.
Onwards & Upwards,

The Captain.